domingo, 27 de noviembre de 2022

Shopping for Clothes

    IN A SHOP    


Shopping conversations will help you understand how to talk to someone about shopping or to speak to a shop assistant when you are in a shop.

If you go to an English speaking country for any amount of time, you will probably need to visit a shop and buy either food, clothes or other items. 


After watching the next video, there are two exercises for you to do. They are:

1. Fill in the gaps in a shopping conversation using the words in a box.

2. Write your own conversation with the ideas given and practise it.

Video: In a shop


1. Read and complete the conversation with the words in the box.

take             much            Let’s            try            you got

Benjamin: Excuse me, how (1) ........ are these trainers?

Shop Assistant: They're €59. It's a special offer.

Benjamin: Great! Can I (2) ........ them on?

Shop Assistant: Of course. What size are you?

Benjamin: I'm a size 40, I think.

Shop Assistant: Here you are. How are they?

Benjamin: They're a bit small. Have (3) ........ a size 41?

Shop Assistant: Yes, I think so. (4) ........ see. Here you are.

Benjamin: These are great. I'll (5) ........ them!

Shop Assistant: OK, You can pay at the cash desk.

2. Change the words in bold in the conversation in Exercise 1. Use the ideas below and rewrite the conversation.

viernes, 18 de noviembre de 2022

sábado, 12 de noviembre de 2022

Vídeo sobre el Presente Continuo en inglés

Watch the video to practise the present continuous verb tense.

Time Words - Present Continuous

We use the present continuous with 



    - now

    - right now

    - at the moment

    - at this moment

    - at present

    - today

    - tonight


- With most verbs, we add -ing to the infinitive.

   see - seeing          watch - watching        buy - buying

- For verbs ending in -e, we remove the -e and add -ing.

  have - having        write - writing         save - saving

- For one-syllable verbs ending in a consonant+vowel+consonant, we double the consonant and add - ing.

  get - getting        run - running        shop - shopping

The Use and the Form of the Present Continuous tense

 Present Continuous

We use the Present Continuous tense to talk about actions in progress at the time of speaking.

example: You are reading a magazine.

Now study its Form


- To form the affirmative, use subject + be + verb + -ing

  ex: They are shopping

- To form the negative, we put not after be and before verb + -ing. Not is usually contracted. subject + be + not + verb + -ing

  ex: You aren't shopping

- To form questions, we use be + subject + verb + -ing

  ex: Is Peter talking on the phone?

        Yes, he is / No, he isn't

  👀  We don't use the verb + -ing in short answers

          Yes, he is

          Yes, he is talking


In this blog you will find information about English grammar.Why is it importat to learn English grammar? Because it is our tool to be able to communicate clearly when speaking and writing in English.

I hope you like it.                                     

Let's start!